Codebase sharing,

The ultimate hotkey tool for compressing and copying entire repositories to your clipboard. Share your code with AI assistants like ChatGPT without the hassle of copying file by file.

Streamline Your AI Coding Workflow

GitClip makes sharing your codebase with AI tools effortless with its powerful Repomix integration and hotkey activation.

Compression Settings
Level: Optimal

One-click Repository Copy

Compress and copy entire codebases with a single hotkey

Automatic Compression

Automatically condenses and tokenizes code for AI consumption

Hotkey Activation

Quick access popup to select which repository to compress

AI-Ready Output

Perfect for pasting into ChatGPT and other AI assistants

How GitClip Works

Compress and copy your entire codebase with a single hotkey


Activate with Hotkey

Press ⌘+Shift+G to instantly activate GitClip from anywhere on your system.


Select Your Repository

Choose which repository you want to compress from your recent or favorite projects.


Paste into AI Tools

Your entire codebase is automatically compressed and copied to clipboard, ready to paste into ChatGPT or other AI tools.


Ready to Simplify Your AI Coding Workflow?

One-time payment, lifetime updates. No subscriptions, no hidden fees.

Custom Desktop App


Get access to our powerful desktop application with all features included

Everything you need to succeed:

Lifetime license
Free updates forever
One-click repository copying
Automatic code compression
Email support
System Requirements: M1 Mac (or newer)